Mark Monitor – Brand protection

Inspect the online presence of brands


Clarivate is a global leader in providing trusted information and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. Their vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects and advances innovation. To achieve this, the brand provides critical data, information, workflow solutions and deep domain expertise to innovators around the world.

Mark Monitor Inc. is a Clarivate company, specializing in software to protect corporate brands from counterfeiting, fraud, piracy, and cybersquatting on the Internet.



Mark Monitor is Clarivate’s dedicated brand protection solution for the world’s largest companies. It consists of inspecting the online presence of brands and managing the risks of misuse of a brand’s image. But text search does not cover all search scenarios as malicious actors tend to stop using words or use different alphabets.



  • Limit revenue loss for customers
  • Optimize operability through batch
  • Improve their service



  1. Provide our Visual Search technology to identify the presence of products on targeted sites, easily integrated into Mark Monitor’s product environment of third-party technologies such as crawling.
  2. Provide a scalable image recognition technology with a very fast response time, as the client analyzes large volumes of images in batch.
  3. Provide access to our technology in license mode. This allows for local integration and ensures full confidentiality of Mark Monitor customers (LTU team has no visibility on the requests made).

Performance indicators

10K fraudulent targets/month
+100K license images
installation on-premise


The solution delivered to Mark Monitor consists of activating our Visual Search brick with a crawling brick in Mark’s environment allowing to search and analyze the online presence of brands.

The benefits for Mark Monitor are an improvement of the efficiency of their services offered to their customers. Indeed, the online audit of a brand is often complex as there are many media and communication channels on the web.

The company has also gained a better visibility on the online presence of their customers thanks to the reports. The indicators brought back from these reports will allow to offer the possibility to modify the practices in a continuous improvement approach to the different brands.